
Banda 1975 vuelve con nueva canción "Part of The Band"

La banda británica 1975 dio tremenda sorpresa a sus fans al estrenar su nueva canción "Part Of Band The Band" como adelanto de su nuevo disco que será lanzado el próximo 14 deoctubre y llevará por nombre: Being Funny In A Foreign Language.

El video de la canción está editado en blanco y negro donde vemos al vocalista Matthew Healy acompañado de una sección de cuerdas, unas personas de negro cargando un globo y “la banda”, sus compañeros de toda la vida: Ross MacDonald (Bajo), Adam Hann (Guitarras) y George Daniel (Batería).

Aquí el video y letra oficial:
Letra de: "Part of The Band"
She was part of the air force
I was part of the band
I always used to bust into her hand
In my imagination
I was living my best life
Living with my parents
Way before the paying penance and verbal propellants
And my cancellations

And I fell in love with a boy,
it was kinda lame
I was Rimbaud and he was Paul Verlaine
In my imagination
So many cringes in the heroin binges,
I was coming off the hinges,
Living on the fringes of my imagination

Enough about me now
‘You gotta talk about the people baby’

Now I’m at home - somewhere I don’t like
Eating stuff off of motorbikes
Coming to her lookalikes

I can’t get the language right
Just tell me what’s unladylike
I know some ‘Vaccinista tote bag chic baristas’ sitting in east on their communista keisters writing about their ejaculations

I like my men like I like my coffee
Full of soy milk and so sweet it won’t offend anybody whilst staining the pages of the nation
A Xanax and a Newport
‘I take care of my kids’ she said

The worst inside of us begets that feeling on the internet
It’s like someone intended it
A diamond in the rough begets the diamond with a scruff you get

Am I ironically woke? The butt of my joke? Or am I just some post-coke, average, skinny bloke calling his ego imagination?

I’ve not picked up that in 1,400 days and 9 hours and 16 minutes babe - it’s kind of my daily iteration.

Hola Soy DanNy. Comparto 'música' y 'videos' de estreno en este blog ;)
- Conozco muchos secretos de los humanos y estoy convencido que merecen ser destruidos junto con este planeta.

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